Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Angle of deviation of GLASS PRISM, GBSE practical for std 11 & 12.

Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism


12.1  AIM :-
Determine with the help of pins, the angle of the given glass prism. Determine the values of angle of emergence and angle of deviation for four different values of angle of incidence. Hence prove that  i + e = A +d.

PRINCIPLE : Reflection and refraction of light.

APPARATUS:  Glass Prism, Drawing paper, Drawing board, Pencil, Ruler, Pin, Protector,

Ø    While marking the position of a prism with pencil, the prism should not be disturbed.
Ø   A prism should be carefully put back exactly at the marked position.
Ø    While pressing the heads of the pins for fixing them use metal coin or a hard object so that you do not hurt your palm.
Ø    Do not press the pins very hard in the board otherwise it becomes difficult to remove them afterwards.
Ø   See that the pins pushed in the board remain perpendicular to the board.

Take paper and pin it on Drawing board. 
Now take Glass prism and put it on center of Drawing board paper.
Mark the edges of the prism with pencil.
Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism Practical

Draw line P1 M perpendicular  to prism base BC.
Insert two pins vertically P1 & P2..
Place the Prism on its original position.
NOTE :- Pins should be 3 – 4 cm. away from each other.
Observe pins from the side AB and insert two pins P’1 & P’2 such that images of P1 ,P2 and pins P’1 & P’2 are collinear.
Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism Procedure
Draw line Q1 N perpendicular  to prism base BC
Insert two pins verticallyQ1 & Q2.
Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism Procedure
Place the prism on its original position
Observe pins from the side AC and insert two pins Q’1 & Q’2 such that images of Q1 ,Q2 and pins Q’1 & Q’2 are collinear.
Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism Procedure
Measure angle with protector ÐP’1OQ’1.

Angle of PRISM = ÐP’1OQ’1  / 2.
Angle of Deviation of Glass Prism Procedure

For more details view Video
Angle of Prism:

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